What I’m doing and working on NOW

Updated September 13, 2024

Maybe I’ll narrate my own audiobooks

I’ve recorded audio versions of some of my books in the past — all nonfiction. I had to do it in a sweaty little closet to eliminate echoes, and described it as “a real pain in the ass.”

However, I recently recorded audio for a 20,000-word novella for my Kickstarter and found it surprisingly enjoyable and successful. Not only did I not have to work in my closet (I worked at my desk, and the sound turned out great anyway), but I also had fun doing it. I ran it by a friend who listens to a lot of audiobooks and he said it sounded pretty pro. So maybe that’s my audiobook solution: Maybe I’ll narrate my own. We’ll see.

Sexy new special editions

I just received the proof copy of my newest Kickstarter launch, City of Fire. They look pretty sexy!

If you’d like to read City of Fire, you can get it here. If you’d like to get your own copy of the above-pictured special edition … well, you can’t. The Kickstarter campaign is over.

HOWEVER, I’ll do a final Kickstarter for this series in 2025, and in that one you’ll be able to get all three of the books as special editions. (You just can’t get the first two as numbered editions anymore.)

To make sure you don’t miss that next Kickstarter, I suggest following me on Kickstarter here (you have to be logged in to see the Follow button), or simply making sure you’re on my email list, where I’ll announce it.

I’m speaking at Author Nation

I’ll be giving two presentations at the Author Nation conference in Las Vegas, November 11-14 (with the RAVE book-signing event afterward; see below). It dawned on me this week how quickly that’s approaching, and how much I need to start prepping.

If you can join us in Vegas, be sure to stop by one of my sessions and say hi!

I’m signing books on 11/15 in Vegas

Cool news: I’ll be signing books at RAVE (the Reader Author Vegas Event) in Las Vegas on November 15th.

If you’d like to join me and a shitload of other authors (if you live near Vegas or want to take a trip; I hear it’s a calm city with absolutely no gambling or shenanigans), go for it. You’ll be able to sign books ahead of time to have me sign if you’d like, and they have accommodations in place to make it easy to get my and others’ books back home without burdening your luggage.

My books at BookPeople

I’ve been talking to the iconic Austin bookstore BookPeople about carrying my books. Right now they’re stocking Fat Vampire and will soon carry the Unicorn Western Full Saga and Pretty Killer.

Stay tuned if you’re an Austin local (or, of course, join my mailing list for the most timely updates) because chances are good that I’ll be appearing at some sort of event there as well: a signing, a talk … who knows.